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After adding the script tag to your site, the SDK's initialization methods will be available through the global R2U object.


The init method initializes the SDK and connects to the R2U server and checks whether the customerId exists in our database.

// test client -- remember to use your own `customerId`
customerId: '5e8e7580404328000882f4ae',
analyticsParams: {
dataLayerIntegration: true, // Activate integration with Google Tag Manager (dafault: true)
sessionDurationMinutes: 30 // Maximum minutes of inactivity within a single session. Use same value as in Google Analytics (default: 30)
.then(() => console.log('Client active'))
.catch((err) => console.error('Client inactive'))


The sku.isActive method indicates if a product is available on the Augmented Reality platform.

// test client -- remember to use your own `sku`
R2U.sku.isActive('RE000001').then((isActive) => console.log(`SKU active? ${isActive ? '✓' : '✗'}`))

The analytical method sends events to the R2U analytical platform, to identify the results of the integration of our SDK.

const addToCartButton = document.getElementById('add-to-cart')
addToCartButton.addEventListener('click', () =>{
event: 'add_to_cart',
data: { price: 30 }


interface R2U {
analytics: {
send: (params: {
event: string
data: Record<string, string | number>
scope?: 'event' | 'page' | 'session' | 'sku'
}) => Promise<void>

Other metrics and dimensions (such as SKU, customerId, operating system, etc.) are sent by default and do not need to be specified.

If analyticsParams.dataLayerIntegration is set to true, the following events are sent by default to the dataLayer:

  • product_page_view: Triggers once per page when sku.isActive is called, to mark product page views
  • impression: Triggers at most once per page view where AR / 3D viewer is shown
  • click: Measure all clicks on AR / 3D viewer

The documentation to send the events in dataLayer to Google Analytics is aqui